First Baptist Church
Laramie, WY

Sunday Service
In Person & Online Worship
at 11:00 am Sunday
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3077454106?pwd=L2F DU281c3psRXNyaEdodWI3VFc3QT09
Meeting ID: 307 745 4106 Passcode: 1517
Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m

We believe that Jesus Christ, as fully God and fully human, is the only true Lord and Savior. We demonstrate our new faith in Christ through "believer's baptism" by immersion, following Jesus'. We believe that individuals become Christians as they confess their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, life in Christ.

We pledge to serve Christ in the fellowship of this congregation. We shall endeavor to love one another, to remember one another in prayer, to share in each other’s joys, and to sustain each other in times of distress. Bound together in a fellowship of faith with all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

First Baptist Church of Laramie has a long history, 142 years, rich in its contribution to the town and state as well as rich in its outreach of evangelism and ecumenical cooperation. Laramie came into existence when the Union Pacific Railroad began selling lots on April 20, 1868.
Meet The Team

Morley Langdon
Church Moderator

Pastor. Brian Willats
Interim Pastor

Russ Oliver
Vice Moderator